Best Countries to Study Abroad for Indian Students


Samarpita Goswami
Updated on May 01, 2023 08:24 PM IST

Countries like the US, UK and Canada are the most popular ones to attract lakhs of international students every year. Read the article to learn about the rest of the best countries to study abroad.

Best Countries to Study Abroad for Indian Students

The best countries to study abroad for Indian students have increasingly become popular because of the infrastructure and high quality of research and education. Besides the increasing mobility of students worldwide has led to a burgeoning number of applicants at foreign universities. 

Amidst this favourable trend, the top countries to study abroad are the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, UAE, Germany, etc. Students not only get exposed to multicultural environments and diverse cultures but also get industry-ready experiences that will help to progress in their careers. 

Several factors help in choosing the best countries to study abroad depending on the course choice and ambitions of the learners. The cost of education may be a deciding factor for some, while others would focus on the top colleges providing the course and the stay-back period. Let us go through the top countries for Indians to study abroad and find out the reasons behind their being featured in the list. 

Highlights of Best Countries to Study Abroad for Indian Students


The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development reports that English-speaking countries are the top destinations for international students to study bachelors, masters or doctoral programmes abroad. United States, Australia, Canada and the UK draw most of the Indian students and the top reasons are high-quality teaching, achieving career goals, personality development and cultural and lifestyle factors. For MBBS abroad, countries such as Russia, the Philippines, Uzbekistan and others have gained importance. Here are the top countries for Indian students that have been highlighted based on their cost of studying and cost of living:

Best Countries to Study Abroad

Yearly Average Estimated Cost of Studying

 Average Estimated Cost of Living


USD 25,000 - USD 55,000

USD 12,000 - USD 36000


GBP 10,000 - GBP 40,000

GBP 12,000 - GBP 15000


CAD 15,000 - CAD 35,000

CAD 10,000 - CAD 20,000


AUD 20,000 - AUD 50,000

AUD 20,000 - AUD 27000


AED 37,000 - AED 75,000

AED 2500 - AED 4,000


EUR 500 - EUR 20,000

EUR 10,300 - EUR 12,000


EUR 9,000 - EUR 30,000

EUR 12,000 - EUR 14,400

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Stay Back Period for Indian Students Abroad

Stay back period is the time period for which students get the opportunity to live and work in a country after they have completed their courses. With a student visa, they cannot stay long in any country and therefore it is necessary to apply for a post-graduate work permit that will enable them to gain part-time or full-time work opportunities. It also opens the scope to get permanent residency in the country. Here are also some of the best countries with good stay back period for Indian students abroad

Best Countries to Study Abroad

Stay Back Period for International Students


1 - 2 years


2 - 3 years


1 - 3 years


2 years


The student visa will be needed to convert into an employment visa to be eligible to work in the UAE


18 months


1 - 2 years

Factors to Consider While Choosing a Study Abroad Destination 

There are several factors to consider while taking the biggest decision of life and that is which county to choose to study abroad. As this will result in significant changes in future, students must not get carried away by fanciful ideas of foreign countries and must make decisions based on practical aspects. The final decision should be based on a good amount of exploration, research and understanding. Consider the following factors while choosing the best countries to study abroad for Indian students:

Universities and Courses

Students generally aspire to study in reputed universities of the world and take up courses that are in trend. However, it should not be the prerogative. They should select courses with which they can relate most. After that, they should move on to choose the countries and the universities that offer the course. A comparative analysis should be done of the infrastructure, curriculum and research opportunities provided and then zero down on the country. 

Cost of Education and Living

Tuition fees and living expenses are two major considerations when choosing the country to study abroad. The courses are mostly expensive and students require to take huge loans to pay off the costs. Therefore, it is crucial to choose a country that suits the budget. Also, one should be aware of the grants and scholarships that are offered by the country to make education affordable. Countries such as France and Germany provide no-cost or low-cost education to students. 

Language, Lifestyle and Culture

It is important to research climate, culture, lifestyle, language and customs. Students have to adjust to the local life of the country. Heading off to a country without the knowledge of language can cause impediments at every step. Students must check the medium of instruction in the country. Also, they must be acquainted with the cultural norms and practices prevalent in society to prevent awkwardness and cultural shock.

Stay Backs and Job Opportunities 

As studying abroad is a costly affair, it is important to find out about the stay-back and post-study work opportunities to pay off the debts taken and earn enough to recover the amount spent on education. Besides, for progress in future, it is necessary to know how more about job prospects, whether the companies need to sponsor work visas, visa duration and extension, chances of permanent residency, etc. 

Miscellaneous Points to Consider for Studying Abroad

Students should consider the healthcare and emergency facilities, cost of healthcare, insurance options, accommodation options, banking requirements, safety and security measures, career services and support services and inclusivity and diversity measures taken by the universities and the country itself before studying abroad. Knowing these will help them seamlessly assimilate into the new life.

Study in the USA

The USA bags first place in being one of the best countries to study abroad for Indian students. Every year, lakhs of students go to study at the top universities in USA. In 2020-21, 914,905 international students enrolled themselves in universities and colleges across the US, out of which Indian students formed 13.2%.

Let us now look at the benefits of studying in the US for Indian students:

  • The course structure and research facilities at US universities appeal the students across the globe.

  • There are more than 4,000 academic institutions to choose from with excellently crafted programs of international acclaim.

  • The USA cannot be considered one of the cheapest countries to study abroad for Indian students but the students can get various scholarships and financial aid to study in USA. Some of the common scholarships to study in USA are Fulbright- Nehru Fellowships, Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program and AAUW International Fellowships.

  • The international students are provided with the opportunity to work in the US after completing their graduation as all majors get one year of OPT which is Optional Practical Training.

  • The STEM graduates get a work permit for up to three years in the USA.

  • The US labour market needs skilled graduates and if the students study in the country they have chances of profitable employment in the future.

Now that we have established that the US is among the best countries to study abroad for Indian students, let us have a look at the top universities in USA for Indian students:

Best US Universities

QS Ranking 2022

Average Annual Tuition Fees

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)


USD 79,850

Stanford University


USD 55,463

Harvard University


USD 49,653

California Institute of Technology


USD 54,570

University of Chicago


USD 57,642

Study in the UK

The UK comes in second place when we talk about the top countries to study abroad for Indian students. Almost all UK universities have been delivering excellence for centuries. The country offers a wide array of undergraduate, postgraduate and research programs to choose from. According to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), 6,05,130 international students were enrolled at UK universities in 2020-21 among which comprised 53,015 Indian students.

Here is why you should study in UK:

  • World-class academicians and learning opportunities bring the best out of the students.

  • The UK is one of the cheapest countries to study abroad because the courses are shorter and therefore the tuition fees are lesser.

  • The students can even work part-time and earn a salary to support their education. Various governmental like, nongovernmental, and university scholarships are available to promote the education of the students. Some of the popular UK scholarships are Chevening and the GREAT scholarship.

  • According to the Student Living Index published by Natwest in 2021, the five affordable cities in the UK for Indian students are Sheffield, Cambridge, Glasgow, Oxford and Birmingham.

  • The new Graduate Route in UK provides post-study work opportunities in the UK for two years.

Given below are the top universities in the UK that are the major contributors to making the country one of the top countries to study abroad for Indian students:

Best UK Universities

QS Rankings 2022

Average Annual Tuition Fees

University of Oxford


GBP 9,250

University of Cambridge


GBP 22,227 to GBP 31,000

Imperial College of London


GBP 35,100

University College London


GBP 31,200

University of Edinburgh


GBP 23,100

Study in Canada

Canada is another popular and the best country to study abroad for Indian students because of its exceptional contribution to academics and research together with multicultural classrooms and post-study work opportunities. In 2021, 621,565 international students were given Canadian study permits. Among them, there were 2,17,410 Indian students, forming the major portion of the populace.

  • Canada offers undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate degree programs in their renowned universities and also provides various diploma and certificate courses for specific skills, jobs and trades that are pertinent to the industry.

  • The cost of education is relatively affordable in Canada when compared to the US or UK.

  • If students are enrolled in a Designated Learning Institution (DLI), then students can work under certain conditions.

  • There are several educational loans available to study in Canada. The most popular scholarships to study in Canada are Canada-ASEAN Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development and Canada-CARICOM Faculty Leadership Program.

  • Canada has amazing post-study work opportunities that allow students to find employment in Canada after the completion of their degrees. The study permits in Canada are up to three years.

  • It has now become easy to get permanent residency in Canada.

The top universities in Canada that stand true to the country's stand as one of the best countries to study abroad for Indian students are:

Best Canadian Universities

QS Ranking 2022

Average Annual Tuition Fees

University of Toronto


CAD 61,350

Mcgill University


CAD 21,006 - 56,544

University of British Columbia


CAD 42,692- 55,384

University of Alberta


CAD 30,090

Mcmaster University


CAD 43,000

Study in Australia

Australia spoils its students with a variety of academic choices and post study work opportunities. Over half a million students applied for an Australian student visa in 2021. There are several courses like business management, architecture, engineering, computer science and IT which students can choose from to study in Australia. Australia is a top choice as the medium of instruction is English.

  • Business and commerce courses are most popular in Australia.

  • The Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement has stated that Australia will offer around 1,00,000 post-study work visas to Indian students graduating from STEM-based courses in Australian universities. Non-STEM students will also get a 2 years study permit.

  • There are many scholarships available for international students to study in Australia.

  • The students can work about 40 hours a week which helps with financial management and makes Australia one of the best countries to study abroad for Indian students.

  • The cost of living in Australia is a bit higher than in most countries. So it cannot be considered one of the cheapest country to study abroad for Indian students.

  • Australia has a low crime rate making it a safe country for international students.

Here are the top universities in Australia:

Best Australian Universities

QS Rankings 2022

Average Annual Tuition Fees

The Australian National University


AUD 39,870- 53,330

The University of Melbourne


AUD 31,257- 49,480

The University of Sydney


AUD 45,000

The University of New South Wales


AUD 1015 per credit

The University of Queensland


AUD 13180 per semester

Study in UAE

The astounding growth of the UAE in the last few decades and its emphasis on alluring international students have made the country develop its education sector. Six universities of the UAE have featured in the QS Ranking 2022.

  • The education system of the UAE is highly westernized and English is the medium of instruction. The degrees are internationally recognized.

  • UAE offers a unique combination of knowledge with unparallel intercultural and innovative experiences.

  • The cost of education depends on the universities. Courses are mostly charged on a semester credit hours basis.

  • The students are eligible to get a scholarship and they must check with the university.

  • The living costs in the UAE are lower in the outskirts than in the city.

  • Jobs after graduation are plentiful. The workers enjoy tax-free salaries and the UAE is giving out golden visas to attract talented students across the globe to work in the country.

  • UAE is a safe and secure place to study with low crime rates.

The top universities in the UAE are mentioned in the table below:

Best UAE Universities

QS Ranking 2022

AverageTuition Fees

United Arab Emirates University


AED 1900-2500 per hour

American University of Sharjah


AED 96,140 per year

Khalifa University


AED 3,333 per hour

University of Sharjah


AED 42,900-63,670 per year

Zayed University


AED 2,500 per hour

Study in Germany

Germany has a long and colourful history and is a paradise for higher education. There are many high-ranking institutions in the country that offer countless courses to choose from and the degrees are highly valued. According to the latest data available, there are more than 357,000 international students studying in Germany.

  • Germany is one of the cheapest country to study abroad for Indian students because of its low tuition fees or no tuition fees at all. In the public universities of Germany, students do not need to pay tuition fees. Students can study in Germany for free.

  • German universities consistently rank among the top institutions in the world because of their academic and research excellence.

  • The cost of living in Germany is also affordable. The amenities and facilities are bearable with tricky financial management.

  • Scholarships are easily available to study in Germany. A few of the famous scholarships are DAAD scholarships, Heinrich Bll Foundation Scholarships in Germany and Deutschland Stipendium National Scholarship Programme.

  • The students can work part-time while studying. They can manage their pocket as well it will help them in gaining experience that will help them later.

  • The degrees from universities in Germany are highly valued by employers and once students graduate they have a high chance of bagging a lucrative job.

  • The post study work permit can be extended up to 18 months.

The top universities in Germany are:

Best German Universities

QS Rankings 2022

Average Tuition Fees

Technical University of Munich


Majority of the courses are free

Ruprecht-Karls-Universitt Heidelberg


Free for most courses



Most courses are free

Freie Universitaet Berlin


Most of the courses are free of charge

Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin


Free for most of the courses

Study in Ireland

Ireland houses some of the most famous universities in the world. All the universities in Ireland follow the National Framework of Qualifications which means that wherever students study they will receive uniform education. The country is gradually turning into an economic powerhouse that is giving a great post study work ambience. There are around 35,000 international students in the country.

  • Numerous scholarships and fundings are available to study in Ireland like Go Overseas and Education in Ireland, Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) and Fulbright Scholarship.

  • The living cost in Ireland is a bit higher as compared to the other countries in Europe.

  • International students are eligible to get two years post study work permit in Ireland to find a job.

  • There are over 1,000 multinational companies in Ireland. So, the employment opportunities are plenty.

Let us now have a look at the top universities in Ireland:

Best Irish Universities

QS Rankings 2022

Average Annual Tuition Fees

Trinity College Dublin


GBP 20,609

University College Dublin


GBP 26,400

National University of Ireland


GBP 16,540

University College Cork


GBP 16,400

Dublin City University


GBP 14,000

The best countries to study abroad for Indian students will depend on a student's preference, course, affordability and job prospects. The number of students opting for education abroad is steadily burgeoning and most countries are developing strategies to attract international students.

If you wish to study abroad and do not know where to start, contact our study abroad experts who have years of experience in providing the right guidance to students. Get in touch with them at

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Which are the Best Countries For MBA Students?

The USA is the best country for MBA students as the country houses some of the best business schools in the world. MBA courses in the US typically take two years to complete including internship opportunities that give a great head start to a career in the field. Apart from the USA, Canada, UK and Australia also have business schools that offer multiple opportunities to explore the various dimensions of an MBA programme.

Which country is safest to study abroad in?

Denmark is one of the safest countries to study abroad with its low rate of crime and safe communities. Studying abroad is a huge decision for a student and the matter of safety is the first thought that comes to their mind and their parents’. Ireland, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and Sweden are also safe havens for international students because of their low crime rates.

Which country is cheapest to study abroad in?

The cheapest country to study abroad is Germany. Apart from Germany, Norway, France, Mexico, Taiwan, Argentina and Russia also provide cheap education. In Germany, there is no tuition fee for studying an undergraduate and doctorate programme at most public universities. International students can look up various scholarships that will help them to bear the cost of tuition fees.

Which country is number 1 for studying abroad?

The USA is the number 1 country for studying abroad. The universities in the USA have made it to the top of the ranking lists, attracting lakhs of international students to study in the country every year. There are more than 5,000 US colleges and universities with numerous unique courses that add value to the students’ lives and build their professional careers.

Which country is best to study abroad and earn money?

Australia is the best country to study abroad and earn money because it has now removed the limitations on the work hours of the students. Most countries allow students to work part-time for limited hours in the week. Since the cap has now been removed in Australia, international students can work for longer hours and can earn money to cover their expenses. In UK and Canada, international students can work up to 20 hours a week.

Which are the top countries to study MS?

The USA, UK, Canada, Australia and Germany are the top countries in the world to study MS. Studying MS abroad adds value to the students’ resumes. In these countries, students benefit from quality education, the best faculties, internship opportunities as well as access to world-class facilities. The technological advancement in these countries has made them a breeding ground for top companies, further enabling international students to find lucrative job opportunities after MS.

Which country is most expensive to study in?

The USA is the most expensive country to study abroad with its high tuition fees and living costs. Besides the USA, higher education in Australia, Singapore and UK can also be relatively expensive. However, the expenses of these universities should not deter students from applying to universities in these countries. Additionally, these countries offer a wide range of financial aids, loans and scholarships that can help ease the financial burden.

Which are the immigration-friendly countries for international students?

Some of the immigration-friendly countries for Indian students include Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Germany. Canada has one of the lowest unemployment rates and is on a bid to roll out more permanent residency programmes. All of these immigration-friendly countries offer longer stay back period and post study work visas, making it easier for students to eventually obtain PR visas.

Which are the best countries to study MBBS?

The countries which are best to study MBBS are Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Phillippines, and Germany. Due to the cutthroat competition to get into Indian medical colleges, students opt to study MBBS abroad. UK and USA have some of the best medical colleges whereas Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Phillippines offer medical education at affordable rates. Besides the students can benefit from the advancement in medical technologies in these countries.

In which countries students can get jobs easily after graduation?

The countries in which students can get jobs easily after graduation are the UK, Germany, Canada, France and Australia. These countries boast a higher graduate employability rate with a greater number of job opportunities for international students. A good number of the world’s biggest corporate giants have expanded to these countries while new start-up companies are emerging daily that demand a skilled labour force.

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