Duolingo Practice Test - Benefits, How to Attempt


Sristy Sharma
Updated on Mar 09, 2023 10:45 AM IST

About to take the Duolingo English Test? The Duolingo Practice Test gives a clear understanding of the Duolingo question types, exam pattern, scoring, and more. Scroll through to find all about Duolingo English test practice.

Duolingo Practice Test - How to Attempt

How would you perform if you took the Duolingo English Test today? Well, wherever you stand, in terms of your overall preparation, attempting the Duolingo practice test is the right step toward identifying your strengths, weaknesses and question types.

Duolingo practice test is a free mock Duolingo English Test material made available by the Duolingo testing authority, which takes only 15 minutes and gets you an unofficial score estimate. This will enable you to craft the right strategy to score high on the test and get closer to your ideal score.

Before getting to the free Duolingopractice test material, let us consider what you should look for in it and how you should attempt it.

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What is Duolingo Practice Test?

Duolingo Practice Test is a free practice test or mock Duolingo English Test material available on Duolingo's official website. The test is equipped with the same type of technology and questions as the official Duolingo English Test. It has been engineered by the Duolingo testing authority to help students get a real test experience.

Apart from the Duolingo Practice Test, students can also use other Duolingo English Test material practice tests, through test prep services for other English proficiency tests, to prepare for Duolingo English Test.

How Many Times Can Duolingo Practice Test be Attempted?

There is no limit on the number of attempts for the Duolingo English Test material. Students can come back any number of times to the Duolingo website to take the test. Each attempt will be like a mock test. However, the questions in each attempt will differ, allowing students to have unlimited access to the Duolingo English Test material.

Duolingo Practice Test Fee

Duolingo English Test material of Practice Testis a free service of the Duolingo authority for all the students who wish to sit for the Duolingo English Test. Students can come back to attempt the practice test any number of times and they will not have to pay any amount at anytime.

Know Duolingo Score Requirement for Studying Abroad!

Why Duolingo Practice Test is Important?

Duolingo English Test material of practice test is important for international students who plan to use the Duolingo test score as proof of English proficiency in their admission applications. Yet, this reason cannot be the only one for students to prepare for the test, especially when it is often assumed that test is comparatively easy to attempt.

Here are a few important reasons why students need to prepare for Duolingo:

  • The test is AI and machine learning-powered. This helps the test format to learn from the answers of the candidate. If the answer is wrong, the test automatically lowers the difficulty of the next question. This helps students to score well although the description of scores and student's proficiency in the final certificate might not be as good as preferred by universities abroad.

  • Duolingo English Test material practice will help students in understanding the format of the test and the questions asked. The test has only one section, which is the Adaptive Section, and all the questions asked are, therefore, mixed. In this case, the student needs to ensure that they can attempt all types of questions.

  • The questions are application-based questions, which means they do not ask directly about the English language. The test instead examines the ability of the student to apply their knowledge. If not familiar with the questions then attempting them becomes hard due to uncertainty.

  • Each question on the Duolingo English Test is timed. If the student directly sits for the test, then they are sure to get overwhelmed by the strict time restrictions, even if they know the answers. It is, hence, better to practice and get familiar with the required speed.

  • Duolingo has no limit on the number of attempts, but only two score certificates can be generated within 30 days. Moreover, the nominal fees of USD 49 also become expensive if multiple attempts are to be made.

  • Students might not be sure about taking the Duolingo English Test. They can attempt the Duolingo Practice test to decide whether Duolingo will serve their purpose or not.

Steps to Attempt Duolingo Practice Test

Now,as students are aware of the importance of Duolingo Practice tests, the question of how to attempt Duolingo Practice Testarises. Should the practice be planned? What are the steps to access it? These questions must bug the students incessantly.

Here are answers to these questions as well. Any student, whatever is their fluency level in the English language, can follow the below steps and ensure a successful Duolingo English Test material practice.

Step 1:Visit Duolingo Website

The first most thing is to go to the official website of Duolingo and explore the Home page. Here, the students will find a lot of informative depictions of the Duolingo English Test and even the services offered by the testing authority. There are many important tips and bits which are often ignored as minor, but they can be the pointer that helps the student to excel in the test eventually.

Step 2: Register or Login

Students can register as a new user or if they have already registered, they can log in with the credentials they generated at the time of registration. After taking any of the two steps, they will be directed to the same homepage but as a user. Now, they will receive authorised access to the services of Duolingo which will allow them to select the Duolingo English Test and then the practice test option.

Step 3:Select the Purpose of the Test

Once the students select the Duolingo Practice Test option, they will have to select the purpose for which they intend to take the test. This is to ensure that their Duolingo English Test material of practice test experience is as close as possible to the actual test. Among the options, they can select the level of study, employment, or other purposes as well.

Step 4:Select the Source of Knowledge

This information is asked by the authority more for themselves than for the students. Through the source of knowledge which led the student to the Duolingo English Test website, the authority assesses the productivity or return that its invested sources are generating. There is an option for Others in case the source is different for the student from the listed ones.

Step 5: Agree to Terms and Conditions

Once the selection is complete, the students are to select the Duolingo Practice Test button on the bottom of the slide and they will be prompted to a list of Terms and Conditions. Here, they will find all that the authority promises as a part of the test and also what it does not promise. For instance, the test claims that the actual test might not contain certain question types and that the questions in the actual test are bound to be different than what is asked in the Duolingo practice test.

Step 6:Attempt the Duolingo Practice Test

After agreeing to the terms and conditions, the students shall be directed to the first question of the practice test, wherein, they will find the test timed like the actual test. The students can start answering the questions and attempting the Duolingo English Test material or the Practice Tests.

It has been established by this guide that all students, who want to use the Duolingo English Test in their foreign admission applications require to practice for the test. The students must not let their overconfidence or rumours deviate them from this practice. Even if they have time to attempt the Duolingo test one more time, they need to remember each attempt costs a lot in terms of foreign admission applications. It is better to be safe than sorry. So, however, good the student may be in the English language, they must still invest time in attempting Duolingo practice tests.

 Students may also write to us at abroad@collegedekho.com if they have any queries on Duolingo test acceptance abroad.

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Is Duolingo Practice Test free?

Yes, the Duolingo Practice test is free, but only on Duolingo English Test’s official website. If students opt to prepare with Duolingo English Test material or practice papers from test prep experts, then they might have to pay subscription fees or any other fees which such agencies charge to help in preparation.

Which Duolingo English Test material is the best for students?

The best Duolingo English Test material for preparation is practice papers. The Duolingo English Test material of practice test available on Duolingo’s official website is especially useful, as it is free and is possibly the closest Duolingo English Test’s mock test available. Since the practice test has been designed by the testing authority themselves, it comes closest to the actual test experience.

Can I use other Duolingo English Test material along with the practice test?

Yes, you can use other Duolingo English Test material along with practice tests. You can choose to study with books, question papers, and practice papers aside from practice tests. In fact, students will benefit by learning as many concepts as possible from the books. The best plan is to use all Duolingo English Test material in a planned and co-dependent manner.

Is the Duolingo English Test hard to clear?

The difficulty level of the Duolingo English Test depends on the test taker. If they are fluent in the English language, they will find the exam particularly easy and enjoyable. Duolingo English Test is however not known to be difficult. It adjusts according to the level of the test taker, which might prove falsely calming, as the Duolingo score certificate describes the strengths and weaknesses of the test taker

Why should I prepare with Duolingo English Test material?

It is recommended that you prepare with Duolingo English Test material to ensure that your Duolingo score is supported by the description of your scores. The test adjusts its difficulty level, that is if a test taker continuously answers two high difficulty questions wrong then the next question will be of low difficulty. This allows good overall scoring, but score descriptions may show different. Hence, it is always better to practice.

What type of questions are asked in the Duolingo English Test material of practice tests?

The types of questions asked in Duolingo English Test material of practice tests are the same as in the actual Duolingo English Test. Candidates are asked to fill in missing words, choose correct words, choose the proper title or summary for the given text, repeat the sentences, voice the given text, choose the words they heard, choose implications made by the given text, and match the pairs.

What is an ideal score to get in Duolingo English Test material of practice tests?

An ideal score to get in Duolingo English Test material of practice papers would be 160, the highest possible score. However, all scores above 100 are considered as good, as the common Duolingo requirements for admission to foreign universities lie in the range of 90-120. Hence, scoring above 100 in the Duolingo English Test material of practice test will mean that with practice candidates can scale their actual test scores to 120 or above.

Are video and writing interview sections also there in the Duolingo Test material of practice tests?

Yes, Duolingo English Test material of practice tests includes video and writing interview sections as well. Although the two sections are unscored, they still play a huge role for international students in getting successful admission to foreign universities. It is therefore inevitable that they are also practised by the students. 

What is included in the Duolingo syllabus?

Duolingo English Test has no specific syllabus declared. The questions asked in the exam are also application based. However, as per the trends of Duolingo English testing, it can be said that the exam tests the ability of students to understand the language from their own opinions, and the ability to communicate them to others in a manner that they can be understood. Moreover, the ability to use speaking and hearing skills to communicate in the language is also tested.

How can I pay for the Duolingo English Test?

You can pay for the Duolingo English Test through a Credit card, Debit card, or Paypal. Other methods of payment are discouraged as they take comparatively longer to process. Duolingo aims to make the testing process easy, affordable, and accessible to all. Hence, the faster, cashless, and wireless methods of payments are preferred.

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