Sample Letter of Recommendation from Faculty - Academic LOR Sample


Cyril Zachariah
Updated on Aug 02, 2022 03:58 PM IST

Need a sample LOR to understand how to write one? Check out this faculty LOR example that you can refer to when creating your recommendation letter. Read this article to understand how you can write each paragraph of a LOR and what you should include in your letter.

Sample Letter of Recommendation from Faculty - Academic LOR Sample

Table of Contents

Letters of Recommendation are one of the more commonly requested documents, especially from those looking to pursue their masters or PhD abroad. Top universities abroad all require applicants to submit at least 1-2 LORs, in a bid to help the admissions committee of an institution to shortlist the perfect candidates. However, there are two types of LORs and different programmes require either of the two LORs, i.e. LORs from Faculty or LORs from Supervisor.

Therefore, as LORs have the ability to sway an admission decision, it is necessary to write it in the best possible manner, ensuring that there are no grammatical and structural errors. Moreover, knowing what to write and how to write will make all the difference.

In this article, we will discuss a sample LOR from Faculty and the best ways to write a LOR that will sway an admission committee decision in favour of you. You can also check out the following links to understand everything you need to know about LORs.

Your Complete Guide to LOR (Letter of Recommendation): Format, Common Mistakes, Writing Tips

LOR Samples - Writing Tips, Types, Format, and Common Mistakes

LOR Faculty Format - How to Write an Academic Letter of Recommendation

LOR Supervisor Format - How to Write a Professional Letter of Recommendation

Need Help Writing Your LOR?

Sample Letter of Recommendation from Faculty

Para 1 - Introduction:

The introductory paragraph of the LOR should briefly introduce the candidate and the recommender (professor or supervisor). In this paragraph, the recommender should also specify the means and duration of their association with the recommended. Along with this, the recommender’s capacity in which they are able to assess or comment on the candidature or suitability of the candidate for a programme should also be emphasised. Additionally, this paragraph should also briefly discuss the recommended’s performance in comparison with their peers.

Check out the following example for an introductory paragraph in a LOR for universities abroad:

“In my capacity as the <Professor’s Designation> in the <Department Name> at <College Name, City/State> affiliated to <University Name, City/State>, I have known <Student’s Full Name> as a student of <Complete Course Name> from <YEAR-YEAR>. Based on my assessment through our interactions, I can assess her ability to study and perform as a potential candidate in your school. I taught her <Subject Name 1> and <Subject Name 2> in her third semester of engineering and worked with her as her final-year project guide. Based on her performance, I can say that she is a bright and obedient student, who ranked in the top 5% of students in her batch.”

Para 2 - Technical Skillset:

The second paragraph of a LOR should highlight the technical skillsets of the recommended in terms of the core subjects that have been studied during their academic coursework. Here, the technical skills commonly highlighted should include the technical tools, programming languages or any other subject-specific skills, that the candidate either displayed or learned during their time with the recommender.

Check out the following paragraph to understand the type of content that should be included in the second paragraph of a LOR:

“During my interactions with <Student Name>, I found her to be very attentive and involved in the class discussions. She often asked insightful questions that not only helped elucidate her inquisitive mind but also helped others in the classroom in perceiving complex concepts. She sought my guidance and advice on various concepts and their applications in the field of <Subject Name>. For instance, she worked under my guidance on the designing of ‘Prototype Name’, wherein she carried out the first simulation was carried out in <Tools/Software Name> and then designed and tested the hardware modules of projects. By working on these projects, she gained proficiency in <Tool/Software Name 1> and <Tool/Software Name 2> as well as their programming concepts.”

Para 3 - Technical Skillet 2:

Much like the second paragraph, the technical skillsets of the recommended should be highlighted, however, from the perspective of an academic project or research activity they carried out. Here, it will be important to focus on parameters such as the recommended’s skills in research, innovation, strategy-making, creativity and/or understanding of a specific topic or field.

Here is an example of what can be included in the third paragraph of a LOR that you may want to submit to universities abroad:

“In her final-year project on ‘<Project Title>’, <Student Name> showed a good understanding of the underlying concepts and worked on new innovative ideas. Her approach to the subject was multi-dimensional. Her ability to see things in various different ways is excellent, which makes her an innovative thinker with very good problem-solving techniques. She received the second prize for presenting this project at the technical exhibition named <Event Name> held at <Venue Name, Location> in <Month YEAR>. She also did her poster presentation in the department on <Month YEAR>, for which she got appreciation along with good grades from the teachers of our department.”

Para 4 - Social Skillset:

As important as the technical skillsets of the recommended, the recommender should also highlight the social skillsets that the recommended may have displayed during their time of association. In this paragraph, the recommender should highlight skills pertaining to management, initiative, leadership, organisational and communication, displayed by the recommended during extra-curricular activities.

Check out the example below to understand how the fourth paragraph of a LOR should be structured:

“Apart from performing exceptionally well in her academics, <Student Name> has been an enthusiastic participant in extracurricular activities conducted by the college and the department. She has served as the <Student Designation> for the tech fest, <Event Name> held on <Month YEAR>. She was also associated with an NGO named ‘NGO Name, Location’ from <YEAR-YEAR>, where she collected and provided resources like books and stationery for underprivileged children and helped them in their studies. She also used to motivate others to participate in such good causes. Her polite and helping nature and concern for society have pleased me. Her eagerness of participating in different activities made her special among different students.”

Para 5 - Conclusion:

Finally, the last paragraph of a LOR for universities abroad should reaffirm the recommender’s faith in the recommended and their ability to be the perfect candidate for a particular course or programme. This paragraph could also include information pertaining to what the recommender believes the recommended can offer to the institution. After the conclusion, it is important for the recommended to sign the document with the relevant information, as highlighted below.

Check out the following example to better understand how the final paragraph of a LOR should be written:

“I am glad to know that <Student Name> wants to study further and give her my strongest recommendations for admission to your reputed university. Wishing her well in her future endeavours, I believe that she will graduate with flying colours and make your institution proud.

Yours sincerely,

Full Name of the Recommendation

Professor’s Designation

Name of the Department

Full Name of the Institution, Location

Contact No.: +91-XXXXXXXXXX

Email ID:"

–The End–

If you are planning to apply to one of the top universities across different countries in the world where they require applicants to submit a LOR written by a faculty, then check out this sample LOR in faculty format.

Or register and connect with our team of study abroad counsellors and learn how you can create your LOR in Faculty format for top universities abroad.

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How do I get a LOR from faculty?

When choosing your professor as a recommender, it is important to choose one with whom you have built a good rapport and someone who has directly supervised you on a project or research work or has experience working with you during your previous academic programme. Register and connect with us to understand the best techniques to write your LOR in faculty format.

How do I write an academic LOR?

When writing your academic LOR, it is important to include information that is relevant to the course you are applying to or those that highlight your relevant technical and social skills important to your academic journey. Your academic LOR should be divided into an introductory para, two paragraphs discussing your technical skills and one paragraph highlighting your social skills like leadership and communication skills.

Do I need a letterhead for an academic LOR?

The parameters according to which your LOR should be designed will be specified by the university you wish to enrol at, however, writing your academic LOR on a letterheaded document will help provide additional authenticity and authority. Register and connect with our team of study abroad counsellors and see how you can improve the impact of your academic LOR.

Should an academic LOR be two pages long?

In exceptional cases, an academic LOR can be two pages long, however, it is better to compile all the relevant information within one page, or a maximum of 500-600 words long. Therefore, create multiple drafts and get your LOR edited and revamped by professionals. You can do so by registering with us and connecting with our team of study abroad counsellors.

What makes a good LOR?

A good LOR is one where the relevant skills, qualities and qualifications of the recommended are highlighted and discussed. Moreover, a good LOR will also be devoid of silly mistakes which should not be made either by a supervisor or a professor, whoever is writing the LOR. Therefore, register and connect with our team of study abroad counsellors and learn the best ways to write your academic LOR.

What are the common mistakes to avoid in an academic LOR?

Among some of the top mistakes to avoid when writing an academic LOR include choosing the wrong recommender, grammatical and structural errors, writing an extremely positive LOR, too short or lengthy LORs or even using politically incorrect words in the document, which will lead to an unsatisfactory result. Connect with experienced study abroad counsellors by registering with us and learning how to write the perfect academic LOR for universities abroad.

Can I write an academic LOR on my own?

Yes, in fact, it is a common practice for applicants to write their own LORs and submit the same to universities abroad. However, it should be noted that the information provided in the LOR should be correct and vouched for by the recommended. It should also be noted that the recommended should sign the document and be ready to verify the information provided in the LOR.

Should my academic LOR be stamped?

As long as the academic LOR has been signed by the recommended, there is no need for the LOR to be stamped. However, this requirement will be specified by the university you will be submitting the LOR in question. It should be noted that your LOR should be designed as per the directions given by the university of your choice.

Is it okay to submit one LOR for different courses?

While you can submit one LOR for different courses, it is often advised to design and create your LOR as per the course and university you wish to apply to, in order to sway the admission decision in favour of you. Moreover, some courses may require different skillsets and qualifications to be highlighted and discussed in a LOR, therefore, create your LOR accordingly.

How many paragraphs should an academic LOR have?

Usually, an academic LOR should contain a minimum of 4-5 paragraphs, viz, the introductory paragraph, one to two paragraphs on technical skills, one paragraph on social skills like leadership and communication skills and the final concluding paragraph. However, it is advisable to keep the number of paragraphs below 6 and under 600 words in total. Register and connect with us to know how to write the perfect academic LOR.

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