The University of Manchester has declared five STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) British Council scholarships for female students from India and other South Asian countries pursuing postgraduate studies as part of their goal of social responsibility.
The British Council has partnered with the Department of Science and Technology (DST)India,on the project called Gender Advancement through Transforming Institutions (GATI). The project aims at the advancement of women in STEM andis directed against gender inequality in popularSTEM coursesin the country. The scholarship will also help in career progression of selected students.
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The fully-funded scholarships will include tuition fees, flight fare, stipend, and visa. It also includes provisions for children if they accompany the mothers. To be able to apply for these STEM scholarships, applicants must provide proof for financial support and activity in the STEM courses in the form of work experience or proven intrinsic motivation to pursue STEM. Besides, they must display interest to contribute to socio-economic development and be passionate about including other women and girls in STEM.
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Country Director British Council India, Barbara Wickham, is overwhelmed by the positive response and feedback from the previous three scholarships. She declaredthat the scholarships will help women to study in the leading universities inthe UK. Statistics show that from 2018, above 180 women from India have been pursuing master's degrees in STEM in the bestUK universities. The women will be empowered to transform their lives and move ahead to transform the lives of future generations.
The prospective students with the Manchester offer are requested to apply before the deadline of April 10, 2022.
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Source: NDTV