GMAT Exam Fees in Other Countries
As stated earlier, the GMAT exam fees differ from country to country, it is not constant everywhere. The fees change based on the location from where the applicant is opting to give the exam. For instance, the exam registration fees in India and the USA are the same, i.e., USD 275, while for the UK it is GBP 225 (approximately USD 273).
Let us have a look at the different GMAT fee for different countries and see how it is different from the GMAT fees in India:
The GMAT exam fees in the USA are comparable to those in India, which are USD 275. The following are the expenses of various GMAT goods and services that you will pay when taking the test in this country:
GMAT Product and Service Fees
USD 275
Enhanced Score Report
USD 30
Additional Score Report
USD 35 each
Cancel Score (online after you leave the test centre)
USD 25
Reinstate score
USD 50
AWA Essay Rescoring
USD 45
GMAT Reschedule Fees
14 days and less before appointment
USD 150
15-60 days before appointment
USD 100
60+ days before appointment
USD 50
GMAT Cancellation Fees
14 days and less before appointment
USD 50 refund
15-60 days before appointment
USD 75 refund
60+ days before appointment
USD 100 refund
GMAT Fee in UK
Surprisingly, there are some costs in GBP and others in USD or dollars to take the GMAT exam in the UK. For example, the exam registration fee in the UK is GBP 225, but if you wish to buy extra score reports, you must pay in dollars for each report. The table below very well summarises all of the costs and exam fees that may be incurred by test takers while taking the test in the United Kingdom:
GMAT Product and Service Fees
GBP 225
Enhanced Score Report (purchased at the time of registration)
GBP 24
Additional Score Report
USD 35 each
Cancel Score (online after you leave the test centre)
USD 25
Reinstate score
USD 50
AWA Essay Rescoring
USD 45
GMAT Reschedule Fees
14 days and less before appointment
GBP 125
15-60 days before appointment
GBP 85
60+ days before appointment
GBP 45
GMAT Cancellation Fees
14 days and less before appointment
GBP 45 refund
15-60 days before appointment
GBP 70 refund
60+ days before appointment
GBP 85 refund
GMAT Fee in Eurozone Countries
Similarly to GMAT exam fees in the UK, if you live in a European nation, you will have to pay certain GMAT fees in Euros and others in dollars or USD. The table below summarises all of the costs and exam fees that test takers may spend while taking the exam in a European country:
GMAT Product and Service Fees
EUR 250
Enhanced Score Report (purchased at the time of registration)
EUR 26
Additional Score Report
USD 35 each
Cancel Score (online after you leave the test centre)
USD 25
Reinstate score
USD 50
AWA Essay Rescoring
USD 45
GMAT Reschedule Fees
14 days and less before appointment
EUR 150
15-60 days before appointment
EUR 100
60+ days before appointment
EUR 50
GMAT Cancellation Fees
14 days and less before appointment
EUR 50 refund
15-60 days before appointment
EUR 75 refund
60+ days before appointment
EUR 100 refund
GMAT Fee in Non-Eurozone Countries
Last but not the least, if you live in a non-European country, you will have to pay in USD, however, your GMAT exam fees will be somewhat more than in other countries. A few East European countries, however, do not fit within this group. The following are the various costs and exam fees associated with taking the exam outside of the Eurozone:
GMAT Product and Service Fees
USD 285
Enhanced Score Report (purchased at the time of registration)
USD 30
Additional Score Report
USD 35 each
Cancel Score (online after you leave the test centre)
USD 25
Reinstate score
USD 50
AWA Essay Rescoring
USD 45
GMAT Reschedule Fees
14 days and less before appointment
USD 170
15-60 days before appointment
USD 115
60+ days before appointment
USD 55
GMAT Cancellation Fees
14 days and less before appointment
USD 55 refund
15-60 days before appointment
USD 85 refund
60+ days before appointment
USD 115 refund
Types of GMAT Exam Fees
The GMAT fee is not limited to the registration fee. There are many other costs related to the fees of the GMAT exam, which on adding up (according to the applicant's need) gives the total estimate of taking the exam. Following is the list of other costs that are related to the GMAT fees in India:
1. GMAT Registration Fee
GMAT exam fees for registration is the fee paid to register for or book the exam. It is the most important GMAT fee that is paid by test takers to be eligible to sit the exam. The GMAT registration process can be completed on the official website of GMAT. The GMAT registration fee in India is USD 275 which is INR 22,587.35 which varies from one country to another.
2. GMAT Reschedule Fee
Test takers can reschedule the exam according to their convenience. However, to postpone or reschedule the GMAT exam, they need to pay a fee which depends on the number of days left for the GMAT examination while rescheduling.
If more than 60 days are left before the appointment, then the rescheduling fee is USD 50. If postponed within 15 to 60 days before the exam date, the GMAT fee for rescheduling is USD 100. If rescheduled in 14 days or less time, then USD 150 is charged.
3. GMAT Cancellation Fee
The GMAT exam fees in India can be cancelled in exchange for a GMAT cancellation fee. The fees for cancelling the exam vary depending on the days left to cancel the exam. If the exam is cancelled more than 60 days before the appointment then USD 100 is refunded.
If cancelled 15 to 60 days before the appointment, then USD 75 is refunded. If the cancellation is done within 14 days and less before the appointment then USD 50 is refunded.
4. GMAT Additional Score Reports Fees
Students can send their score reports to various schools of their choice. However, only five score reports can be sent for free. After that, they need to pay a fee to receive an additional GMAT score report. Each GMAT additional score report costs USD 35.
5. GMAT Score Cancellation After Leaving the Test Center
Those who wish to cancel their GMAT score after leaving the GMAT test centre can do so by paying a GMAT fee of USD 25 if cancelled within 72 hours.
6. GMAT Score Reinstatement
To reinstate a cancelled score, students have to pay a fee. It can be done online by logging in to the website or by phone call. The GMAT exam fees for score reinstatement is USD 50.
7. GMAT AWA Essay Rescoring
Test takers who wish to get their AWA rescored can request it within six months of the test date. The GMAT AWA essay rescoring fee is USD 45.
GMAT Exam Fees Waiver
If you are worried about money when applying to business school, paying for the GMAT exam can be difficult. After all, the GMAT is not cheap: The exam costs USD 250, and if you wish to take it more than once, you must pay the entire sum each time.
Because this cost enters the picture before you are certain of being accepted into your desired MBA programme, you may want to seek ways to reduce the load. The GMAC can assist you in overcoming this obstacle by reducing or waiving your GMAT registration fee.
Who is Eligible to Apply for a GMAT Fee Waiver?
Everyone is eligible to apply for a GMAT fee waiver. However, applicants cannot apply for this waiver directly. GMAC instead defers to the schools (undergraduate/business schools) in requesting exam fee waivers for their students.
The GMAC allows institutions to select which applicants are eligible for fee waivers or reductions. The schools are allowed to apply for 10 fee waivers in 12 months. GMAC encourages the schools to select those students for a test fee waiver who can overcome financial difficulty through it.
Also, GMAC allows the schools to decide their criteria to define the financial need of their students. This implies that if you want a fee waiver, you must demonstrate your financial need to your university.
Applicants who received need-based financial help as undergraduates or who earn less than a specified income threshold may be eligible for this exam fee waiver. However, because each institution has its own set of requirements, it is difficult to make broad statements about who should apply for a GMAT fee waiver or who will almost certainly receive one.
When and How to Apply for the GMAT Fee Waiver?
You can apply for the GMAT exam fees waiver in two ways:
However, before applying for a price waiver through any of these channels, you should check with your school's financial aid department to see if they provide a GMAT fee waiver.
Note: If you are continuing in your undergraduate studies or are a recent alum (graduated within the last two years), you must first seek assistance from your undergraduate institution. If your undergraduate university does not have a policy for test cost waivers, you should check with the MBA programmes to which you are applying.
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