GRE Sample Issue Essays for Analytical Writing Section
Listed below are some of the sample GRE Issue Essays that you can use to enhance your skills in attempting the task.
1) Governments should place few restrictions, if any, on scientific research and development.
Directions: Write a response discussing the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and provide your reasoning for the same. Describe specific circumstances wherein adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how your position is shaped because of these examples.
2) The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people.
Directions: Write a response discussing the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasons for the same. Describe the ways you consider the statement may or may not hold true, further explaining how these considerations influence your stance.
3) College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.
Directions: Write your response discussing the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. Address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.
4) Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels of education.
Directions: Write your response where you discuss the extent of your agreement or disagreement with the statement and explain the reasons for the same. Describe the considerations that may hold the statement to be untrue and explain the ways these considerations influence your position.
5) Government officials should rely on their own judgment rather than unquestioningly carry out the will of the people they serve.
Directions: Write a response elaborating your stance on the recommendation and define your reasons for your position on the statement. Describe specific circumstances wherein adopting the recommendation may or may not be advantageous and explain the influence of these examples on your stance.
6) The main benefit of the study of history is to dispel the illusion that people living now are significantly different from people who lived in earlier times.
Directions: Write your response discussing the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and outline your reasons for the same. Consider and describe the ways in which the statement may or may not hold true and explain how your position is influenced by these considerations.
7) Leaders are created by the demands that are placed on them.
Directions: Write a response elaborating the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and describe the reasons behind your stance. Describe and consider the ways wherein the statement may or may not be true and elaborate on how these considerations affect your stance.
8) We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own.
Directions: Write your response describing the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and elaborate on your reasoning behind your stance on the topic. Describe and consider the ways wherein the statement may or may not be true and highlight the effect of these considerations on your position.
9) People's behaviour is largely determined by forces, not by their own making.
Directions: Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim by writing your response. Address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position when developing and supporting your claims.
10) Claim: Imagination is a more valuable asset than experience.
Reason: People who lack experience are free to imagine what is possible without the constraints of established habits and attitudes.
Directions: Write your response elaborating on the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.
Note: These are only a few of the sample GRE Issue essay topics that ETS has mentioned on their website. If you wish to find out more about such GRE sample issue essays, then register and connect with our team of study abroad counsellors who will not only provide you with the topics but also help you tackle the task in the best possible manner.
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