Why 2023 Could Be a Good Year to Study Abroad!


Cyril Zachariah
Updated on Jan 12, 2023 03:50 PM IST

Not sure whether the time is appropriate to study abroad? From accessing the best education available in the market to finding ample financial aid opportunities, applying to study abroad right now could be the ideal option for you. Listed below are some major reasons to start preparing for your favourite study destination right now.

Why 2023 Could Be a Good Year to Study Abroad!

Over the past few years, including the years when the world almost stood still, thousands of students from countries all over the globe have been eager to pursue higher education across different countries. Moreover, countries have realised the economical benefits of welcoming international students to pursue their studies at top-notch universities.

This demand for higher education by students of foreign nationalities has been increasing multi-fold, causing countries to take steps to attract more and more international students while also regulating the spike in numbers.

Today, with ample opportunities, i.e. academically, financially and professionally, studying abroad seems to be the right choice forward for the upcoming generation. However, let’s take a deeper view of why ‘now’ is the right time to study abroad and how you can make your dreams of studying abroad a reality.

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Why Now is the Right Time to Study Abroad?

If you’re completing your Class 12 board exams or just completed your bachelor’s or master's studies in India or are even a working professional looking to enhance your career trajectory, you may have heard several suggest studying abroad. Well, here are some reasons why now is the right time to study abroad.

Bilateral Relations Between India and Others

At a highly sensitive period, understanding that bilateral relations between countries need to be maintained for not just the survival but the development of all countries, India along with several other countries has been making strides, not only in keeping the peace but also in building partnerships and relationships that benefit both the countries and its people.

Recently, India has signed multiple bilateral trade agreements with several countries including the USA, the UK, Germany and Australia in a bid to facilitate a better relationship for the betterment of both countries. These initiatives have resulted in easier and more supported student-scholar mobility between the involved countries. Thus, while countries may presently benefit from the trade, individuals will also benefit from becoming career-ready.

An Array Of Opportunities Made Available

As stated before, countries have realised the importance and opportunities that come up by inviting international students to study at their universities. For instance, Canada has recognised that international students are the perfect candidates to tackle the labour market shortages that the country has been facing. Meanwhile, Australia has extended the post-study work period by 2 years, allowing them to work after their studies for several years.

Even countries like the UK and the USA are in the process of rolling out several policies and pathways that allow international students to study, work and even become permanent residents of the countries. Moreover, nearly all the countries offer “work while studying” opportunities which opens up new avenues of experience and learning, getting them ready for a future where they are living lucrative lives.

Top-Notch Education at Hand

A motive that almost every Indian student planning to or working towards studying abroad is the easy access to top-notch education offered by most universities across the globe. This top-notch education further leads to better career prospects and greater job opportunities overall.

With several institutions like Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) and Times Higher Education (THE) rolling out ranking lists every year, listing the best universities, countries and even cities to study in, aspirants have access to ample valuable and useful information to help them make an informed decision. Moreover, hundreds of institutions, both government and private, offer a range of services to help ease the entire process of choosing the right university to even transitioning to a different country and environment altogether.

Aligned with top-notch education is the variety of cultures, traditions and people that come together to provide unique perspectives and experiences, thus, enhancing the overall learning quality at these universities in the world. Additionally, many universities have been working towards attracting international students, some specifically focusing on Indian students, which brings about an easier opportunity for Indian students to study abroad right now!

Personal/Professional Development and Independence

A by-product of studying abroad, as thousands can see, is personal and professional development. Individuals moving out of their family house or even their hometowns, cities and even countries, often end up having to adapt to several changes, that bring such developments within.

Reports state that travelling to different countries for temporary settlement like studying abroad, often enhances spatial awareness as well. This includes having to learn how to live in another country on your own, including gaining soft skills such as effective and efficient communication skills. In addition to this, staying away from family compel students to become self-reliant, thus, encouraging a sense of independence and responsibility as well.

Another benefit of studying abroad is the professional development opportunities that students receive, either through programmes, events or seminars offered by the universities or through part-time jobs that they may take up during their studies abroad.

When is the Right Time to Apply?

Unlike India where students can apply to their dream course and university only once a year, most universities abroad accept applications through two to three intakes. Intakes are short periods where universities accept student applications at different points throughout the year.

In most cases, the primary intake usually takes place during the months of September and October, while admissions through the secondary intake take place through the months of January and February. Here’s what you should know about intakes to study at some of the top universities in the world.

  • September/October Intake (Fall/Autumn Intakes): Usually the primary intake at most universities across the globe, where aspirants can apply to a range of courses across various disciplines.

  • January/February Intake (Winter/Spring Intakes): The secondary intake at most universities across the globe, where aspirants can apply to a limited number of courses offered by the desired university.

  • April/May Intake (Summer Intake): This is the intake where universities often offer short-term courses of bridge courses to aspirants.

Check out this table highlighting the various intakes in some of the top study abroad destinations:


Primary Intake

Secondary Intake

Tertiary Intake


US September Intake

US Spring Intake

US Summer Intake


UK September Intake

UK January Intake

UK May Intake


Canada September Intake

Canada January Intake

Canada Summer Intake

New Zealand

NZ July Intake

NZ February Intake



Australia February Intake

Australia July Intake


Education Loans: The Ladder to Studying Abroad

While the opportunities that arise from studying abroad may seem lucrative enough, this key component of studying abroad can deter many students from choosing the route. The financial burden, combined with the looming economic crisis and rising tuition costs of universities abroad has dampened so many study-abroad dreams.

However, this is where ‘Education Loans’ have helped so many more to access top universities abroad. Financial institutions, specifically those focusing on education abroad, have designed and offered hyper-personalised education loans that cover a range of expenses from tuition fees to accommodation and even travel costs.

In fact, some financial institutions may even offer 100% financial assistance with flexible repayment plans and other amenities and benefits, allowing students to focus on their studies and gain valuable experience, knowledge and skills that students can use to pay back their loans.

Opting for education loans can also bring about a sense of achievement, with students often paying off their loans instead of relying entirely on their parents’ hard-earned money. Moreover, this may even motivate and encourage students to take initiative to make strides in their professional lives, allowing them to pay off these education loans quicker while also getting closer to their dreams of living a financially-independent life.

In addition to loans, universities, private organisations and even the federal governments of different countries offer international students the option to opt for scholarships. From need-based scholarships to merit-based scholarships, students will have ample opportunities to access financial aid to complete their dreams of gaining quality education at a desired university abroad.

And thus, with so many doors allowing students to access top-notch education at universities across many countries around the globe, choosing to study abroad may be the most beneficial option currently.

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