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What is the PTE Exam for?

Planning to study abroad? If so, you may have come across this English exam named PTE and thought what is it? Who is PTE Academic recognised by? Should you prefer it over IELTS or TOEFL? In all, what is the PTE exam for? All your answers are just a tap away!
What is the PTE Exam?
The PTE full form is the Pearson Test of English. It is a computer-based English proficiency test that gauges your reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.
Who is it Recognised By?
Conducted by PLC Group, the PTE exam is recognised by over 3,000 universities and colleges worldwide and it is also accepted for visa applications for a few nations.
Types of PTE Exams and
their Duration
The total duration of the PTE test is just two hours with no breaks. It mainly comes in two types i.e., PTE Academic (for students) and PTE General (for immigrants).
Should You Choose PTE
over IELTS or TOEFL?
PTE was launched worldwide in 2009, much more recently than IELTS and TOEFL. As a result, it has not yet gained widespread acceptance, but it is catching up slowly.
Where and When Can You Take the PTE Exam?
More than 200 test centres are available around the world to take the PTE Academic. A total of 35 PTE exam centres are located throughout India's major cities.
Learn everything about the PTE Academic exam
by visiting the
link below!
PTE Exam Guide!