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What is the Hourly Wage of Indian Engineers in the UK?

Engineering is among the most diverse industries in the UK. Almost 18% of the total employment sector in the country is engineers. Tap to discover the intriguing world of Indian engineers working in the UK and unravel their hourly wages.
Growing Engineering
Industries in UK
Nuclear power, big data, manufacturing of food/beverages, AI, software, electrical, chemical, mechanical engineering, etc are among the growing industries in UK.
Factors Influencing
Hourly Wages
The key factors that determine/affect the hourly wages of Indian engineers in the UK are the level of experience, qualifications, location, domain of practice, etc.
Hourly Wage of
Indian Engineers in the UK
Engineers in the UK earn between GBP 20 and GBP 40 per hour. This range can be higher for more experienced engineers or those working in specialized fields.
Average Salary of
Indian Engineers in the UK
According to data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) 2021, the average annual salary for engineers in the UK is around GBP 46,000 to GBP 54,000.
Highest Paid Engineering
Fields in the UK
Petroleum engineering, software engineering, aerospace engineering, chemical engineering and electrical engineering are among the highest-paid engineering fields in the UK.
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