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Per Hour Salary of Software Engineers in the USA

Software engineering is a highly sought-after career worldwide. A software engineer tests, builds, designs, and maintains software programmes. Tap to know the per-hour salary of a software engineers in the USA!
Are Software Engineers in Demand in the USA?
US software developer hourly rates have sky-rocketed due to high competition between Silicon Valley technology companies and a limited number of proficient developers.
Entry-Level Software Engineers Per-Hour Salary in the USA
Entry-level software engineers in the USA earn a per-hour salary of USD 47, which equates to an average annual salary of nearly USD 97,773 or approx. INR 80,17,904.
Mid-Level Software Engineers Per-Hour Salary in the USA
Mid-level software engineers in the USA earn a per-hour wage of USD 58.90, which corresponds to an average annual salary of nearly USD 122,503 or approx. INR 1,00,45,895.
Senior-Level Software Engineers Per-Hour Salary in the USA
Senior-level software engineers in the USA earn an hourly income of USD 79.25, which translates to an average annual salary of USD 164,845 or approx. INR 1,35,18,164.
Highest-Paying US Cities for Software Engineers
Some of the highest-paying US cities for software engineers are San Francisco, San Jose, and, Santa Cruz (California), Baltimore (Maryland), Seattle (Washington), and more.
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