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Exams Required to Study Abroad After 12th

Did you know that apart from the basic academics you need to clear a set of qualifying exams and language tests to study abroad after 12th grade? Check out the common standardised exams required as part of the basic eligibility criteria.
Type of Exams Required to Study Abroad After 12th
When preparing to apply to colleges abroad, students typically take these two types of tests:
• Language proficiency tests
• Standardised qualifying tests
Language Tests: What They Are!
These are designed for students who are non-native speakers of the language chosen as the medium of instruction by an abroad university like English, German, French, etc.
Common Language Tests
to Study Abroad
Some of the common language proficiency tests are IELTS Academic, TOEFL, PTE Academic, Duolingo for English, TestDaf for German, DELF and TEF for French, etc.
Standardised Qualifying Tests:
What They Are!
Standardised tests are mostly regarded as academic criteria established by each institution or college abroad. These differ based on the course and university in which you study.
Common Standardised Tests to Study Abroad
American College Testing (ACT) and Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) are the most common standardized tests used by foreign universities to allow international students to study abroad after 12th.
Are you planning to study abroad after the 12th? Connect with our study abroad experts for the right guidance!
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