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Top US Universities Accepting Duolingo Score

Did you know that many international universities have started accepting Duolingo English Test scores instead of IELTS or TOEFL from applicants throughout the globe? Tap to see the top US universities accepting Duolingo scores.
How Many US Institutes
Accept Duolingo?
Duolingo, an English proficiency test, is accepted by nearly 1,400 universities in the US for admission to both bachelor’s and master’s courses.
Do Ivy League Schools
Accept Duolingo?
Yes! Ivy League Universities such as Harvard, Brown, UPenn, Cornell, and Yale now accept Duolingo. The minimum score required by such institutions is 120.
Top Duolingo Accepted
Universities in USA
Some of the top Duolingo accepted universities in USA include MIT, Caltech, Johns Hopkins University, University of Michigan, and NYU.
Average Duolingo
Score for USA
The average Duolingo score for US universities falls between 90 and 120. However, a few reputed US schools may ask for a higher Duolingo score.
Minimum Duolingo
Score for USA
The minimum Duolingo score for US universities ranges from 85 to 90. That said, this shall vary depending upon the course and university of application.
Explore more Duolingo accepted universities in USA by visiting the link given below -
Duolingo for USA!