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Top 5 FREE Courses for Int'l Students by Harvard

Harvard University offers various free online courses that international students can pursue from their homes. These courses are self-based and 6-12 weeks long. Tap here to expand your horizons with the top 5 free online courses by Harvard!
#1 CS50's Introduction to
Game Development
Learn about the principles of 2D and 3D graphics, sound, animation, collision detection and the basics of game development through this free course.
# 2 Introduction to
Computer Science
The course will help you gain a robust understanding of computer science and programming languages including C, Python, SQL, and JavaScript plus CSS and HTML.
#3 Pricing Strategy
You will get an understanding of the concept of willingness to pay and the impact it has on business through the example of event ticket reseller Ace Ticket.
#4 The Architectural
You will learn to interpret, read, and comprehend architectural representation and the fundamentals of creating your architectural drawings and models.
#5 Humanitarian Response
to Conflict and Disaster
Learn historical and legal contexts influencing the professionalisation of the humanitarian sector and the tenets governing humanitarian aid here.
More Harvard Courses!
Discussed here are only a few online courses offered by Harvard University.
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