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Section-wise Preparation Tips for SAT Exam!

Preparing for the SATs? Besides creating a study schedule for the exam months before you begin to prepare, it is essential that you dedicate time to each section of the SAT. Tap to see the section-wise preparation tips for SAT exam!
How Many Sections in
SAT Exam?
SAT has three sections with a fixed number of questions and time:
1. Reading: 52 Questions (65 minutes)
2. Writing & Language: 44 Ques (35 minutes)
3. Mathematics: 58 Questions (80 minutes)
SAT Reading Section Prep Tips
1. Learn English grammar and tenses
2. Improve vocabulary and spelling
3. Read good books regularly
4. Practice with sample questions
5. Focus on reading speed
SAT Reading Section!
SAT Writing & Language Section Prep Tips
1. Practice answering concisely
2. Practice grammar and punctuation
3. Practice rhetorical questions
4. Practice reading aloud
5. Practice speed writing
SAT Writing & Lang!
SAT Mathematics Section
Prep Tips
1. Solve algebraic and strategic problems
2. Grasp concepts and their application
3. Practice with mathematics test papers
4. Master quick calculations for part 2 (without a calculator)
SAT Math Section!
Best Books to Buy for SAT Preparation
1. College Board's Official SAT Study Guide
2. McGraw-Hill Education SAT Elite
3. Barron's SAT Premium Study Guide
4. Princeton Review SAT Prep
5. Kallis' Redesigned SAT Pattern Strategy
Best SAT Books!
Learn the tips and tricks to improve your SAT score by visiting the link given below.
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