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How Much Do Software Engineers Earn in the UK?

The salaries of software engineers depend on a number of factors ranging from the job role to the years of experience and individual holds. Here’s what you can expect a software engineer’s salary to be in the UK.
Starting Salary of
Software Engineers in UK
The lowest base salaries that software engineers can earn in the UK averages around GBP 26,000 per year across a variety of software engineer roles.
Median Salary of
Software Engineers in UK
The average salary of a software engineer in the UK can range anywhere from GBP 50,000-75,000 per year, with an average salary of 58,000 a year.
Highest Salaries of
Software Engineers in UK
The highest salaries for software engineers that have been reported in the UK usually lie upwards of GBP 100,000 - 200,000 per year, depending on the role.
Factors Affecting Salaries of Software Engineers in UK
Factors like location and company offering the role, the employee’s experience, the demand for professionals and more will define the salary ranges in the UK.
Salary Package Benefits for Software Engineers in UK
While salary packages at some companies may seem lower than others, the add-ons like dental, medical care, transportation and even accommodation support may be better.
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