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How Much Do Indian Nurses Earn in the USA?

Are you curious to know about Indian Nurses' salaries in the USA? Discover the average earnings of registered/licensed Nurses in the US healthcare system and kickstart your career as a Registered Nurse (RN) in the USA. Tap to learn more!
What is the Average Salary of
Nurses in the USA?
The national average salary of a registered/licensed Nurse in the USA is around USD 77,000 per year. The salary can increase as per the experience level.
Entry-Level Salaries of
Nurses in the USA
The majority of Entry-Level Nurses' salaries in the USA currently range between USD 55,000 and USD 70,000 per year in the American healthcare system.
Mid-Level Salaries of
Nurses in the USA
As they advance in their careers and take more responsibility in their duties, Mid-Level Nurses' salaries in the USA vary between USD 70,000 and USD 85,000.
Expert-Level Salaries of
Nurses in the USA
A Registered Nurse with 5 or more years of work experience makes about or more than USD 35.93 or USD 45 per hour on average in the USA.
Salary Growth of Nurses
in the USA
The salary of Nurses in the USA grows by 1.51% per year. Salaries are likely to rise as the need for Nurses grows due to the ageing population, improved health coverage, etc.
Interested in pursuing a career as a Registered Nurse (RN) in the USA? Check out the complete guide given below -
Nurses Guide to USA!