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Everything About IELTS Listening Practice Tests

Preparing for the IELTS Listening Section? Tap to find out everything you need to know about the IELTS Listening Practice Tests, including exam pattern, scoring, and types of questions you can expect in this section of IELTS.
IELTS Listening Practice
Test Duration
Candidates attempting the IELTS Listening Practice section get 30 minutes to answer all the questions and 10 minutes to transfer the answers.
IELTS Listening Section
Question Types
The different types of questions in the IELTS Listening Practice Test include MCQs, sentence completion, diagram completion, summary completion, and more.
IELTS Listening Practice
Test Format
Candidates are given 4 recordings in native English to listen to and answer different questions. Each recording is part of a different section.
Types of Recordings in
IELTS Listening
There are four types of recordings, viz. one conversation each in social and academic contexts, and one monologue each in social and academic contexts.
IELTS Listening Practice
Test Marking
The IELTS Listening Section has 4 parts comprising 10 questions per part. Each question carries 1 mark, which makes a total of 40 marks for the entire section.
Learn more about the IELTS Listening Practice Tests by visiting the link given below -
IELTS Listening Test!