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Average Salary Package of Nurses in the UK

Working in one of the more noble professions in the country comes with a good level of compensation. Here are the salary packages that nurses at different band levels can earn in the UK, as per the NHS pay scale.
Starting Salary of Nurses in UK
Nurses that are just starting out in the industry and possess 0-1 year of experience can expect an annual income ranging between GBP 26,000 and GBP 33,000.
Band 6 Nurse Salary
in UK
Nurses who are confident enough to work independently and make critical decisions fall under band 6 on the NHS scale and be able to earn GBP 33,000 to GBP 40,000 annually.
Band 7 Nurse Salary
in UK
Referring to Ward Managers, Emergency Nurse Practitioners and Clinical Specialists, Band 7 Nurses in the UK can earn anywhere from
GBP 43,000 to GBP 50,000 per year.
Band 8 Nurse Salary
in UK
Among the top profiles of the nursing profession in the UK, those employed as Band 8 Nurses in the UK can expect an annual salary between GBP 50,000 and GBP 96,000.
Band 9 Nurse Salary
in UK
Professionals falling under Band 9 of the nursing scale in the UK hold positions like Chief Nurses and Consultants and earn upwards of GBP 99,000 every year.
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