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5 Steps to Apply to a Foreign University on Your Own?

Millions of students opt to study abroad each year. While it is a great experience, the application process can be challenging. Tap to know how to apply to a foreign university on your own and save yourself from spending huge agent fees.
#1 Make a List of Universities
Find a set of universities that offer your preferred courses in your dream country like the US, the UK, Canada, etc. and shortlist them based on rankings.
#2 Check Out the Entry Requirements
Visit the universities’ websites and check the eligibility criteria, documents required, and other admission requirements for your chosen course.
#3 Fill Online Application
Fulfil all of the requirements and begin with filling out the online application form. Submit all the documents carefully along with the application fees.
#4 Plan Your Finances
The next step is to plan your finances and apply for scholarships offered by the university or government. Meanwhile, begin to prepare for bank statements.
#5 Apply For a Student Visa
Begin your visa application once you have received university acceptance and have met all of the necessary conditions after checking out all of the criteria.
If you find the study abroad application process overwhelming, you may seek expert guidance for the step-by-step university application and visa filing! 
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